SMPK1 Open House 2023

On 18-19 august my school, SMPK1, held their open house but unfortunately I fell ill and couldn't participate. I couldn't help my friends with the decorations or watch the stall but I heard many stories of how fun it was and how they had a great time. Each class had to make their own stall and decorate the class, my friend had an idea to make a treasure hunt for our stall which is an amazing idea and caught the attention of many primary students. There were also performances from many students and even a couple of our talented teachers. I saw clips, videos and photos and I wish I could attend the event but I was sick.

Our class looked very messy on Wednesday when we were decorating and I was actually surprised of how well it turned out. I never expected our class could pull it off but I guess I was wrong, on Friday there were a lot of people who wanted to participate in the treasure hunt and we ended up profiting a lot from the stall.The other classes also had their own stalls there was a Photo Booth, Maze, etc. There were students performing, a group of girls performed a dance routine and a couple of teachers sang a song.

Overall, I think that the open house was fun from the stories I heard. I really wished that I could have attended but sadly I fell ill and I was unable to participate in this really fun event. I have very high hopes for the following events of SMPK, seeing that this event turned out really well the next events could definitely be better.


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