2023-2024 End of Year Holiday

 For my end of year holiday I went to Bali with my family. I have been looking forward to this holiday as I will be gathering with my cousins from Australia. I haven't met them in so long and we finally got the chance to meet again in one of the best places to visit. We embarked on our journey to Jakarta around 9 a.m. and there was a 5 hour gap between the start of our journey until our flight so we got a chance to eat outside of the airport first. It was so full in Bali and there was very heavy traffic so it took us around 3 hours just to get to Ubud and by the time we arrived, it was already dark.

The hotel in Ubud was very cozy and comfortable but I had to sleep in the sofa as I was sharing a room with my brother and one of my cousin. The first day in Ubud we rode ATV and it was very fun. I enjoyed it because there was so much mud which allowed us to drift. That was for sure the highlight of the trip and I feel really bad for my sick cousin because I knew he would have enjoyed it so much. The rest of my days in Ubud I spent relaxing in the pool, catching up with my cousins and playing cards together. It wasn't as fun as the ATV but I still enjoyed it. If we stayed in Ubud for more than 2 days I think I would have been bored out of my mind.

After Ubud we went to Seminyak where the 10 of us lived in just 1 Villa. Luckily my cousin is no longer sick and can join us in all of the activities we had plan. The first activity we looked forward to was wakeboarding. You balance on a board while getting pulled by a rope and although it may seem easy in the start, trust me it is not as simple as you may think it is. After that day, all my muscles were sore and I could barely lift my arm up; I just wanted to lay on my bed and sleep through the entire day. Since we were all tired and sore, we decided to just go to a beach club and relax in the pool. There following day where it was pouring all day so all we could do was go bowling. Initially we thought it would be a waste of time but we ended up having a lot of fun. We were all competing to be the winner and one of my cousins accidentally threw the ball to another persons lane. It was very funny and we all couldn't stop laughing. 

The last day, we went to the beach and played amongst the waves. The waves were so strong that we actually got pulled further away and panicked a bit but luckily we all made it safely back to shore and the lifeguard there told us to get out as it is really dangerous that time of the year. He said that just recently 2 people went missing so we got scared and just played in the pool. The next day was very sad as I had to leave and go back to Bandung. My cousins had to go back to Australia as they' re school was starting in a bit. That was it for my holiday, I hope you found it entertaining.


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